Monday, May 2, 2011

[HOH Fashion]: Super wide.

I agree with Vogue, completely, and uncontrollably, I'm sick of these skinny jeans I'm rocking, day after day. The truth is, I love them, but the harsh truth: they're not the best cut for my BOD [as I'm sure many of you will agree].

I think I am NOW on the search for some stunning super wide-leg pants. I can't wait, after reading this article and grinning at the photos.

What are your thoughts? Frumpy or Chic?


  1. hmmm... not frumpy, but i'm pretty intimidated. you're going to have to talk me into this one dena - it'll probably take at least a year.

  2. My honest thoughts are that I JUST started incorporating skinny-style jeans into my wardrobe after months of internal debate! Please don't tell me that wide is the new thing.
