Two of my dear friends, Lisa and Dom, got married last weekend. Well, two weekends ago (I guess I had that opening sentence in my mind for a while, and it took me a little longer than a while to write this).
It was phenomenal.
Here's a little history: they grew up together! They lived (just about their whole lives, or as long as I can remember) just 1/8th of a mile away from eachother. ON THE SAME STREET! So cute, right? Well, it gets better. Dom's a musician (and a great guy, of course); he had his own band and I can vividly remember his amazing Pearl Jam solo from our high school talent show, and Lisa is potter, design major and creative soul.
So, when they told me that the wedding was to take place in an empty lot across the street from Dom's childhood home, I instantly knew it would be a success. A blank canvas; it's what I always dreamed of.
It was so (so so so) much more than a success. I found out the day before the wedding that Dom had built an irrigation system out to the bathroom and they had a homemade sink. PHENOMENAL.
[picture to come]
I'll narrate the day properly though (in chronological order, that is).
Around 2pm I arrived to a fabulous cocktail.
(the bridesmaid: prosecco, gingerale and raspberry sorbet)
And then I toured the ceremony site (Lisa's parents' backyard), which was even more fabulous than the Prosecco cocktail that accompanied me (one would hope so, I guess).
Gazebo, along the Charles River marsh, in an impeccably landscaped backyard, with every detail mulled over, VERY CAREFULLY. It was a rustic-chic fairy tale.
Here is a picture from afar, followed by a couple closeups. My favorite (if you dare ask) is the mauve-colored hydrangea hybrid. I'm a sucker for hydrangeas; when eyes caught it paired with the vibrant green bottle, I got a little weak in the knees.
So cool.
And, in case the guests were a bit parched...
Now on to the fun part, though. The reception. It was just a short stroll up the street, from Lisa's, to the said vacant lot across from Dom's house.
They thought of everything. Didn't miss a detail. The reception included it all: homemade wine (picture quality not great, so I won't bore you with the image), fabulous centerpieces...
Complete with favors (mixed herbs in mason jars), wine in an awesome rustic basin AND lighting. Now THAT is a package deal!
...cute signs...
(please disregard the plastic cup that someone so rudely dropped on their way to the john)
...decor around the tent pole (loving the silver pots and the simple flower arrangements) which includes PEONIES (love, sigh)...
and the awesome, awesome, awesome BATHROOM (drum roll, please)...
I love everything about it, especially that rustic basin they used for the sink. And I must admit that I adore animal prints, so the towels easily stole my heart.
Here's another shot....
I will say it again, PHENOMENAL. PHENOMENAL.
I think that concludes my narration. It was a fantastic evening. After some good old fashioned dessert...
I crossed the mini bridge (handmade, of course) and left wholly satisfied (and quite impressed)...
Congrats, friends.