Vegetables, herbs, flowers - we love it all! If only that love translated into some talent - I certainly won't speak for Dena, but I've got the blackest thumb north of the Mason-Dixon, and need all the help I can get! Since last year was my first real attempt at full-on gardening, I'm looking forward to seeing how one year's experience will help us be more successful. We had amazing English cucumbers, but our pepper population was, disappointingly, less than expected. Do I plant them earlier? Change the orientation of the garden? Move it completely? Sheesh, I have a ton of work to do.

In that vein, I wanted to share a few solid resources I found for all of my garden planning needs:

Better Homes and Gardens: Surprise surprise, this glossy staple is chock full of gardening advice for every manner of home gardener. In addition to just about everything you might want to know, they have a totally sweet 'Plan-A-Garden' application where you can customize everything to your space.

Martha Stewart: Everyone's favorite Goddess of Entertaining of COURSE offers a fabulous selection of home gardening tips for the novice gardener. Her tips on planning a vegetable garden are super comprehensive and not to be missed.

HGTV: This practical resource for every kind of home improvement project doesn't skimp on the gardening tips either! Just loving their variety of 'How-To' snippets on everything from growing your own blackberries to dividing irises - definitely above my head, but a girl can dream.
We are looking forward to keeping you all posted with our garden ventures this summer - what are you planting this year?
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